Главная \ News \ Ansher Capital at the meeting dedicated to the development of Capital Market of Uzbeksitan

Ansher Capital at meeting dedicated to the development of Capital Market of Uzbeksitan

Ansher Capital at the meeting dedicated to the development of Capital Market of Uzbeksitan

Ansher Capital took part at the meeting dedicated to "New opportunities in the development of capital market of Uzbekistan" organized by the Chamber of commerce and industry of Uzbekistan and National agency of perspective projects of Uzbekistan.

On behalf of our company, the Chief Executive Officer of Ansher Capital Abboskhon Rasulev and Managing Director (DCM) Sayyora Rasuleva were present at the meeting. This event was covered by republican television and was showed on the "Axborot24" channel.

Ansher Capital expresses a gratitude to the organizers and wishes the fulfillment of all the set goals.


26, Gulbadanbegim street, Mirzo Ulugbek district, Tashkent 100041, Uzbekistan